2604 East Dempster St. #401
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(847) 827-4800
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We understand that there are many questions you may have when choosing or when you have already chosen your dental provider.
How often should I visit the Weinfield Dental Group for checkups?
When should I see a dentist immediately?
What can be done about cold sensitivity?
Is Nitrous Oxide Gas available at the Weinfield Dental Group?
Are any of the metals used in my filings harmful to my health?
Why do I need to come back every 6 months?
Why would I need a filling if nothing hurts?
How can I prepare my child for their first dental visit?
Does the Weinfield Dental Group refer out to specialists?
What is the difference between a crown and a cap?
Does the Weinfield Dental Group do implant dentistry?
Does the Weinfield Dental Group offer teeth whitening as a service?
Can I pay for my services with a credit card?
What is the Weinfield Dental Group's policy regarding dental insurance?
What does "Usual and Customary" refer to on my insurance statement?
To help your child prepare for the first visit, here are some ideas we suggest: Have your child accompany a parent to a standard six month checkup cleaning and exam. Your child will sit next to you in the dentist chair during your time. Another approach is to have your child practice sitting in a chair, with head tipped back and mouth opened. Explain to your child the need to keep teeth healthy. Keep answers simple when your child asks questions about going to the dentist. Tell young children that the dentist will count their teeth and brush them with a special toothbrush. Tell them their first visit will be fun and at the end of visit each child receives a special gift from the Weinfield Dental office